  Ozone Falls

August 18th - Shannon and I were on our way to Memphis so we stopped off in the small town of Ozone Tennessee on the Cumberland Plateau to check out the majestic Ozone Falls.  


This site is very accessible to I-40 and only a few minutes drive out of the way, so I would recommend it to anyone traveling through the Plateau.  It's also a very short hike (less than .5 mile), and it is absolutely worth it.  Ozone Falls is a sheer vertical waterfall plunging over 110 feet, and it is viewable from above and from the pool with an amphitheatre-type rock setting behind the falls.  With all the dry weather this summer the water flow was very low, but it was impressive nevertheless.  Some photos I've seen show the pool (where Shannon is standing in the 6th photo below) completely full of water, but it was only a small pool on the day of our visit.  Ozone Falls was also the site of some scenes for the movie "The Jungle Book" because of its splendor and beauty.  One disappointment was the trash and graffiti in this area...  It amazes me that so many people have so little respect for wonderful places such as this. 


I've also added a few photos of Shannon in Memphis at the bottom of this page.  Even though it isn't exactly hiking related, we sure did a lot of walking in downtown Memphis!                         


(Click all images for larger photos)


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The Sheer Cliff from Above... This was Scary and We Got on Our Knees to Look Over the Edge

Shannon On the Descent to the Pool


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View of Ozone Falls from the Trail Leading Down

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Shannon at the Pool

110 Feet of Vertical Drop

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I held the Camera Looking Straight Up in This Photo from the Pool Area Not as Much Flow as Normal Due to the Dry Weather
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Shannon at the Entrance of Graceland 

Shannon at the Site of Martin Luther King's Assassination  Shannon in Downtown Memphis